Painting Loosely Masterclass Workshop

Great for Oil, Acrylic & Gouache

Discover your Inner Impressionist!

Just $74 CAD

A masterclass to loosen up your painting style to move away from excessive detail. You’ll be on your way to creating paintings that are more lively and spontaneous while radiating a feeling of freshness.

In this self-paced masterclass, you will gain:

1. Insight in seeing only the shapes you need.
2. A better sense of seeing value in colour.
3. Develop brush control.
4. Comfort in using larger brushes.


1. 15 downloadable references.
2. FAQ answered directly in the comments of each section.
3. 16 exercises to work through.
4. A final large project work towards.

Transformation to painting more loosely is a process. Jump in and welcome the process. :)