An Artists View

This exhibition has been over a year in the making, trying to capture Port Coquitlam in interesting and unique artworks.

The show started as an idea, wanting to show the city to the residence their city from a fresh perspective. When I traveled over to France, every small town and alley was interesting enough to paint. “Why couldn’t my home city be this interesting?” I thought. So with that, I wanted to explore the city and show the residence how interesting and unique Port Coquitlam was.

It just so happened that 2013 was to be the centennial year for Port Coquitlam, so this idea was presented to the Friends of Leigh Square exhibition committee in 2012. Upon the acceptance of the proposal I started the journey with Denise Maxwell, and oil painter, and Catherine Dumaine, a fibre artist.

The exhibition holds over four dozen oil paintings from 11×14 inches to 49 inches square by Michael King and Denise Maxwell along with three large free hanging tapestries by Catherine Demaine. There will also be over fifty 8×8″ paintings on display, all priced at $100 each, making it easy for anyone to take home a piece of our journey over the past year.

Please join us for the opening reception on December 7th, 2013 from 2pm to 4pm at the Leigh Square Gathering Place, 2253 Leigh Square Place, Port Coquitlam BC (map).

oil painting